


“Love doesn’t die. No matter how

many bullets you put in it. It breathes

on its own without oxygen, without need

for anything else. It exists, swirling in its

own form of gravity, ready whenever

you are, to be consumed by it.”

– Rachel Robinson

Photographer Unknown

6 comments on “Consumed

  1. Pingback: Consumed – Br Andrew's Muses

  2. Oliver A. Melendez

    When the word was uttered, its ageless no matter how you speak of it. Light and love goes hand in hand.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Worthy to be framed and remembered. Absolutely true and beautiful, thanks for posting this 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Intense though!
    Love defined in yet another way!

    Visit me at


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