

Written by Jacob Ibrag

The man in the white suit takes a sip of his

black coffee and readjusts his glasses, ‘says here you

rejected your own parole. You hiding from something?’ Getting

permission to stand in front of the guarded window, the prisoner bows

his head and releases a deep breath. ‘This place is safe. May not have all the

amenities of a free man, but these thick walls make up for that.’ Putting his pen

down, he asks the prisoner to elaborate, ‘are you trying to say that your life is

in danger?’ Walking back towards to his chair, he grips the sides of the

steel table and slams it into the man and directly into the wall.

Falling to his knees, the prisoner puts his hands behind

his head and prays for Gods forgiveness, ‘I need

to stay here. I am the danger.’

Photographer Unknown

10 comments on “Danger

  1. He sounds wounded by his own self.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. well written ..penance .”I need to stay here. I am the danger.”.
    I really enjoy your poems . had written something about poetry and the beauty of unraveling it . https://wordpress.com/stats/day/silhouetteofthoughtsblog.wordpress.com
    Feedback if any are welcome.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i can feel for the man!

    i am a using drug addict living on the streets, now itś not that i am afraid, only the times i do use?

    i like to feel safe, main because there are those type of street people, whom just wait for people like me, (stating the fact that i don´t sell everything to get drugs) i just want to enjoy to the pleasure of lost control, itś the only time i can honestly be free…

    So to feel safe at these time, is most important, however very hard to find…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. itspatricias

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  5. But, realizing that he is a danger to himself and others is still just the first step, now, the prisoner must change his behaviors, in order, to become better adapted outside of the prison walls he’d lived in for so long…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Danger – Treasure and Bliss

  7. Reblogged this on Treasure and Bliss.


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