
An Exchange

Share with someone you haven't spoken to in a while.

Written by Jacob Ibrag

Share with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Find surprise in like-mindedness. Discover clashing ideologies

through meaningful conversation. Collaborate on thought experiments.

It will get messy. You might get frustrated. You will get frustrated, and so

will they. It’s an exchange, a joust between differing world views. It’s

an unmasking of opinions prancing around as factual claims.

There’s beauty in finding the error in our coding. There’s

comfort in delisting absolutes absolutely. We’re

better today. We’re sharing and growing.

Image by Roberto Nickson

1 comment on “An Exchange

  1. I haven’t tlked to Sisters for a while. But I dnt kno how to call or start a conversation

    Liked by 1 person

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