
Triumphs and Regret

Scales of being await us all in the end. No interpretations but a balance of triumphs and regret.

Written by Jacob Ibrag

Scales of being await us all in the end. No interpretations but a balance of triumphs and regret. It’s a mixture injected into each one of our decisions.

Sure, some will try and sit idly by the fork in the road. They’ll remain still while others will go on and explore. And so, as their stagnant nature slithers to a halt, it’ll be “should haves” and “what-ifs” they’ll solely be thinking of.

In the end, try writing the most interesting sentence you possibly can. Forge new roads to nowhere until you make one that makes sense. And when you stand by the scales, there will be no room for interpretation. Triumphs and regret, hand in hand.

Image by Letizia Bordoni

2 comments on “Triumphs and Regret

  1. Good advice 😊


  2. Only we need to keep going on 😊 well shared πŸ’•

    Liked by 1 person

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